Posts by Pastor

January 24 – Chapter 2a

pages 31-41

  1. When were your sins forgiven? (32)
  2. What is faith and how is such faith obtained? (33f)
  3. Can human reason discern there is a god? (37f)
  4. What does the phrase “means of grace” mean? (38)
  5. Define the following attributes of Holy Scripture:
    1. Inerrant
    2. Infallible
    3. Inspired
    4. Efficacious
  6. Dr. Veith says, “The point of Bible reading is not merely to learn about God, to see how we should behave, or to gain principles for successful living, though the Bible does communicate such things” (39). Do you agree with this statement?  If Dr. Veith is correct, what is the point of Bible reading?
  7. How would you respond to someone who says to you, “Just because the Bible says it’s true, doesn’t make it true.  Every religion’s holy book claims its own veracity, but that’s circular reasoning.  Why should I believe the Bible instead of the Qu’ran, book of Mormon or other religion’s books?”

January 17 – Chapter 1

Pages 17-29

1. What is central in understanding Lutheran Spirituality?
2. Think of another example not already cited for each of the three spiritual aspirations.
a. Moralism
b. speculation
c. mysticism
3. Why is it an advantage for Lutheran Theology to begin with facing up to imperfection? (p. 17)
4. What are some common outcomes of moralism?
5. What could you say to someone who says, “I’m spiritual, but I don’t like religion?”

An Office for Sin–An Office for Forgiveness

One of the wonderful teachings that is unique to the Lutheran church is the teaching of vocation.  Usually when we hear the word “vocation” we think of a job or career.  We think of one’s “chosen vocation.”  But the word vocation comes from the Latin vocatio meaning “calling.”  The teaching of vocation refers to the various stations God has placed us in.  In addition to the job God has given you, He has placed you in many and various stations: father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, citizen, Christian, neighbor, church member, PTA member, city councilman, etc.  In addition to vocation and station, another word that describes this idea is “office.”  Certain things you do you do according to your office of father or your office of neighbor or office of Christian.  You really shouldn’t do anything which you don’t have the office for.  All the acts you do according to the office you’ve been given, you do in service to your neighbor.

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Rule Breaking, Excuse Making Humanity

At the beginning of the a brand new year, it is not uncommon for many people to set out for the new year with resolutions in hand wanting to create new good habits, get rid of bad habits or to simply better themselves in some way. Read more →

Peeling Away Callouses of the Heart

A few weeks ago in Sunday Morning Bible class, we were looking at Eph 4:18-19:

They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart. They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity.

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